
V-Care(China) Holding Limited held groundbreaking ceremony for its Phase 1 project

V-Care (China) Holding Limited held a groundbreaking ceremony on September 16th. A total of 200 people, including the party secretary of the Xiaonan district in Xiaogan city Qiu Guiping, deputy secretary and district chief Yang Junan, director of V-Care Zhang Jian, general manager Guan Shao Hua, business partners and Vinda employees etc, attended the ceremony. 

General manager Guan Shaohua gave opening remarks in the ceremony, introducing V-Care, its mission and vision. Government leaders also spoke in the event, expressing confidence and support for the company’s development. All the guests then cut the ribbon. 

V-Care has been founded as Vinda exploring the personal care market and adopting a diversified development strategy. V-Care will manage businesses in baby, feminine and incontinence care. The company will start operation with the Babyfit brand, which has been created by a global team with 20 years of experience in R&D of baby products. 

The establishment of V-Care marks a significant milestone for Vinda in becoming consumer’s No.1 choice for hygiene products.