
Vinda Awarded “2013 Best Investment Value Award for Listed Companies”

(9 October 2013 – Hong Kong) Vinda International Holdings Limited (“Vinda International” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries collectively known as the “Group”; stock code: 3331) was presented today the “2013 Best Investment Value Award for Listed Companies” (BIVA Award) at the first BIVA Award Ceremony.

The “2013 Best Investment Value Award for Listed Companies” is organized by professional financial services organizations which operate in Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing and Shanghai. The review panel is formed by representatives of these organizations while other professionals in the capital markets including stock commentators, analysts and investors serve as consultants to the panel. The award aims to recognize those listed companies which have recently made outstanding achievements in various sectors. It has also provided a valued investment reference for investors and encouraged the listed companies to increase the market capitalization by enhancing their value continuously.